Guy Laliberté
Founder and Creative Guide |
Guy Caron
Director |
Gilles Ste‐Croix
Artistic Guide |
Stéphane Roy
Set Designer |
François Barbeau
Costume Designer |
Violaine Corradi
Composer and Musical Director |
Julie Lachance
Choreographer |
Luc Lafortune
Lighting Designer |
Guy Desrochers
Sound Designer |
Harvey Robitaille
Sound Designer |
2010 |
Sylvie Galarneau
Art Director |
Lin Yung Biau
Choreographer Assistant |
Eleni Uranis
Make‐Up Artist |
Pierre Guillote
Production Manager |
Fusing the 3000 year-old tradition of Chinese acrobatic arts with the multidisciplinary approach of Cirque du Soleil, Dralion draws its inspiration from Eastern philosophy and its never-ending quest for harmony between humans and nature. The show's name is derived from its two emblematic creatures: the dragon, symbolizing the East, and the lion, symbolizing the West.
In Dralion, the four elements that govern the natural order take on a human form. Thus embodied, each element is represented by its own evocative colour: air is blue; water is green; fire is red; earth is ochre. In the world of Dralion, cultures blend, Man and Nature are one, and balance is achieved.
What the media say about the show
"I would recommend Dralion highly tothose who can appreciate the artistry and acrobatic talent displayed in the show."
The Examiner
"Truly a wonderful experience."
Reading Eagle
"Cirque's unpretentious "Dralion" offers one visual gravity-defying stunner after another."
The Philadelphia Inquirer
Aerial Hoop - Hibana |
Aerial Pas de Deux |
Bamboo poles |
Single Handbalancing |
Hoop Diving
Skipping Ropes

The primary sources of inspiration for the costumes of Dralion come from China, India and Africa. The palette favors vibrant solid colors, while the shapes are guided by the artists' movements and choreography.
Each of the four elements and its associated family are represented by their own unique color. Blue is identified with air, green symbolizes water, red is for fire, and ochre represents the earth.
Over 5,000 meters (16,000 feet) of fabric were used in creating the costumes.
The fabrics come from regions around the globe, including China, the United States, Italy, France, England and Quebec.
Materials that might be considered unusual were used in creating costumes and accessories: horse hair, raffia, metal, window screen, emu feathers, crystals, Styrofoam, plastic, bubble wrap, fun fur, springs and an array of hardware items
To create the texture on the chest plate on the singer's costume, bugs were glued on and then molded into different shapes.
The artisans at the Cirque du Soleil costume workshop in Montreal worked for over three months fabricating the original costumes, hats, wigs and footwear required for Dralion. New costumes are continuously made.
The majority of the Dralion costumes are custom-made for each artist, including shoes and head pieces.
Dralion has close to 1500 costume pieces including shoes, hats and accessories.
The Dralion wardrobe team includes 4 permanent touring staff and 3 local wardrobe employees in each city.
The wardrobe team is responsible for maintaining and repairing all costumes.
The Dralion tour travels with washers and dryers because most costume pieces are machine washable and then hung to dry.
Over 300 pairs of shoes are cleaned and painted by hand every week.

Μία δομή μαμούθ δημιουργεί ένα τεράστιο σκηνικό. Αυτό το μεταλλικό κομμάτι 60 μέτρα πλάτος και 26 μέτρα ύψος μοιάζει μ' ένα φουτουριστικό κινέζικο ναό ή ένα γιγαντιαίο κομμάτι μεσαιωνικής πανοπλίας.
Το πιο εντυπωσιακό χαρακτηριστικό είναι το τείχος που εκτείνεται σ' όλο το μήκος της σκηνής. Καλυμμένο με διάτρητα πλακίδια αλουμινίου, το τοίχωμα είναι ισχυρό και ανθεκτικό, ενώ δίνει την εντύπωση ότι είναι ελαφρύ και ευέλικτο. Οι έξι γιγάντιοι στύλοι επιτρέπουν στους καλλιτέχνες να σκαρφαλώνουν στο τοίχωμα και να αιωρούνται.

A mammoth structure creates the huge backdrop that dominates the stage. This metallic set piece is 60 feet wide and 26 feet tall and is suggestive of a futuristic Chinese temple or a giant plate of medieval armor.
The most imposing feature is the metallic wall which spans the full length of the stage. Covered with perforated aluminum tiles, the wall is strong and resilient while giving the impression of being light and flexible. The six giant claws attached to the structure allow artists to climb and suspend themselves from the wall.
Three concentric aluminum rings are suspended high above the stage. The first serves as a catwalk for performers and technicians. The second is used to support technical and acrobatic equipment, including the enormous lantern that descends at the end of the first half of the show. The third ring is used to move performers up, down and through the world of Dralion.