B.B. King - King of BLUES

One of the biggest musicians in the world, whose name has been inextricably connected to the Blues, was hosted by the Kassandra Festival in Greece, for one show only.
In his long career, B.B. KING has made over 50 albums, many of which have made Blues history, such as “Live at the Regal”, while his famous song “The Thrill is Gone” was one of his biggest hits.
His records became gold and platinum, while he was also honoured with a number of awards (a truly long list), among which, eight Grammys.
B. B. King developed one of the most unique and recognizable guitar playing styles and influenced great musicians such as Eric Clapton, Mike Collins, Jimmy Hendrix, Albert King.
The technique with which he plays on his guitar – his Lucille – has a characteristic sound, with full notes, unexpected moments and sensitive vibratos.